Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentine's Mini Shoot

Andrew's mom gave the boys shirts for Valentines Day. Here are a few cute pics of them wearing them.
Danny was so wide eyed. Wouldn't really smile though.Sammy is such a sweatheart. Love him.
Samuel being his normal crazy self. Dancing around and loving every minute of our little photo shoot.

Soooooo Cute!!!! Sammy loves holding Danny. Danny has become quite attached to his thumb over the past few days. Tooo cute!!! Glad he can self soothe himself now but is going to be a pain when it is time to start breaking away from it. I can throw a pacifier away but can't really throw a thumb away.
Samuel and Daniel are so cute together. Daniel is always wanting to see where and what his Big brother is doing and Samuel is always wanting to make sure Daniel is okay. Perfect picture of the two of them.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I found your blog from Stacie's blog - all your boys are growing up so fast! Hope things are going swell

    (if you wanna check out our blog you can Facebook me.)
